Friday, May 27, 2005

Schooool's Out for Summer! Schooool's out for EVA!

last day
Originally uploaded by MaeFlower.

Yeah! Today was the last day of school! I'm free for two months! woo-hoo! Now, you may be wondering how the picture above relates to this post. Allow me to explain.
On the last day, all the teachers go out to where the buses are loading up the students. As the buses leave the school, we are across the street, waving good-bye to the students. (a couple of teachers also have Heavy Duty Super Soaker guns, and spray the little faces in the windows- he he he)
Every year on the last day, we keep a count. Of what? you may ask. Of how many kids we get who flip us the bird. This year I counted at least five birds. We were also treated to a very full, pink and plump FULL MOON. Hence, the picture! I'm going to now go lay on my couch and think of all the things I DON'T have to do for the next two months. Ahh, *bliss*

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    mayflower, dee, what ever your name is on your blog now, lol, yes the last day is like that i always laugh but hey i rode home with rhea, so at least for once i wasnt involved in mischief. lol (on the last day, go figure)


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