Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dummy Numero Dos

Since we don't have a challenge posted this month at the Soup, I've taken the time to assess the steps left to get my portfolio ready for the critique in April. As much I'm enjoying experimenting with paint techniques (something that's very much in progress) I need to start playing up to my strengths; mainly my line work.

While I took a step back and analyzed the progress of my portfolio, I came to what should have been an obvious realization. Although accomplishing the "holy grail" (hard back picture book) of children's publishing would be fantastic, my work is probably best suited for early readers and middle grade. As a result, I've decided to create a black and white section in my portfolio. It will best reflect how my work would fit within an illustrated chapter book.

To make things easy on myself I'm taking a previous assignment, Hansel and Gretel, and adapting it to take advantage of the black and white format. The process has been very fluid, and I'm enjoying it very much. It seems my brain has an easier time breaking up a storyline into multiple shots rather than one definitive scene.

I'll try to post one of the completed pages as soon as I'm done. I'm crossing my fingers that it will be this week.

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