Saturday, February 16, 2008

W.I.P.-Feb 08

I thought I'd give you guys a peek at a wip I've been trying to get to for a couple of weeks now. I'm finally adding a black and white section to my portfolio, and I've decided to take a few recent pieces and redo them so I can add them as b/w work.

Here's a character study for Hansel. That's right, he's no longer a rabbit. He's a dog.
Here's his little sister, Gretel. She's a little clueless.
And here's the first page, complete with panels. Obviously it's not done. You wouldn't believe how long this took. I'm also working in a much lighter pencil than usual, so sorry about the line visibility.
I hope to finish all six pages by the end of the month. I'm pretty confident I can do it. I mean, I really have to because next month is slated to be my "dummy month." I'm taking a story idea from beginning to end in dummy form: roughs, b/w and color finishes. (eek!) Well, before I get too ahead of myself, it's back to work.

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