Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Picture Book Dummy Challenge

About a month ago, a bunch of us on the #kidlitart chat were discussing how much fun we had doing the PiBoIdMo Challenge. Many agreed that we needed to take it to the next level, as pushing ourselves to take risks is something we all want to work on. Over the course of several chats, moderator Bonnie Adamson  asked for input in order to hash out the details of what parameters needed to be set.

The following was decided:
*Title of the challenge is the Picture Book Dummy Challenge.
*Kick-off is January 6th.
*Challenge is open to EVERYONE of all skill levels, and not just illustrators!
*The goal is to complete a book ready for submission by June.
*Participants will identify each other on Twitter and Facebook with a twibbon.
*There will be progress check-ins as well as support and resources through the #kidlitart blog.
*Conversations on Twitter about the PB Challenge should be marked with the hashtag of #PBdummy.

I was nominated to create the twibbon for this event.  I came up with this:  

Feel free to use any of these to promote the challenge!
The light bulb is a nod to Tara Lazar, because many of us wouldn't even have a dummy to create if it weren't for her PiBoId Mo challenge, and the twibbon she created was a light bulb, the universal sign for an idea.  The pencil is to represent the act of writing or drawing the ideas down on paper. It's one thing to have an idea, another to put it down as words and pictures. The pencil-bulb is a nod to the dedication of all the participants.

I uploaded the yellow pencil to twibbon.  I don't see an option to add multiple versions of a design, but if you would like to take one of the colored twibbons above, and modify it so it appears on your Twitter and Facebook avatar, feel free! And remember when you go to click the "Show My Support" button that you have used the slider directly below it to resize the twibbon, and place it where you would like on your avatar.  You don't HAVE to have it block out your image.

Details are being hashed out for the challenge, and it looks very exciting! I hope you will join us in 2011 in taking your storytelling skills to the next level!

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! I loved doing PiBoIdMo and have missed the challenge! I also love your twibbon design, they are lovely :)

    Thanks Diandra!


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