Sunday, November 01, 2009


I'm alive! Really. To say that the last two months have been nuts...well, let's start fresh shall we? In the spirit of beginnings I want you to join me!
(image courtesy of Tara Lazar, created by Ryan Hipp)

Today is the kick off for NaNoWriMo. It's a great idea, but if you don't write novels, it's kind of a missed creative opportunity.

I consider myself an illustrator first, but more and more, story ideas have been creeping in to my head. I figure the universe put them in there for a reason, and I shouldn't let them go to waste! Even better, the
uber-talented Tara Lazar agrees. She's organized PiBoIdMo for those of us who want to exercise our creative muscles, without the pressure of having to complete an entire project. I mean, could there be a bigger creative buzz kill?

I am in love with this idea, as it follows along the lines of what I used to have my seventh grade students practice with their own writing. No rules, no guidelines, just ideas. I'd say to them, "Just let them flow, let them all pour out of your head and onto to your paper. It's story vomit and we're getting it out of our system!" The boys loved any mention of bodily functions of course, and it was just the thing to get them kick started. Later, when we would begin a new assignment and the students would say "I don't know what to write about." I'd tell them to head to their binders, pull out their story vomit/idea banks and go from there. It worked every time.

I can't wait to see what comes from a month long brainstorming session!

(I lucked out today, getting my first ideas as I was waking up!)

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