Sunday, February 01, 2009


Well, after a couple (or four) days of working on it, I have completely redone my Clever Hare and Hippo piece. (I originally posted about it here.) I realized that it wasn't appropriate for black and white because it reads too young. I first attempted the redo in watercolor, but for some reason, I kept having issues. I finally gave in and did the piece in acrylics.
Here's a whole lotta ugly. This is the basic under-painting I do to get a sense of where I want to take things.
I forgot to take the pic earlier, but here we are almost finished. And here we are finished and outlined in ink. I am much happier with this piece in color, and am glad I redid it. I'm off to create a new blog header for February. Eventually I suppose I will go downstairs and join in on the Super Bowl frenzy. Frankly I think the insane build-up is really stupid, but that's practically sacrilegious to say down here in Texas, so I keep that opinion to myself. ;)


  1. Very nice, Diandra. And brave to share your underpainting.

  2. Love this! Nice job, the colors and textures are amazing....

  3. Well it turned out nice didn't it!
    I like your banner too!


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