Saturday, October 18, 2008


I was hoping to share a few peeks at the character sketches I've been working on this week. Can't really do that though, because there are no character sketches to speak of! Ugh...I'm having the hardest time getting these guys down! I really haven't accomplished much to speak of. Well... there is this:
I managed to devour 3/4 of a pistachio container in two days. Impressive, I know!

I did wander out of doors today, with husband and toddler in tow. We went to the area arts festival. (I've been to the astoundingly large festival in downtown Houston, but was not up to hoofin' it it this year.) Taacl had a nice showing of watercolor, jewelry, pottery and even (gorgeous) woodwork. I have a hunch that there is a lovely unnoticed niche here I'd fill nicely. If I can get my act together, I might participate next year.

I did meet a lovely mixed media artist. (Seriously, this girl has some serious creative energy.) I admired a lot of her work, but her pottery caught my attention, so as soon as she finishes setting up her etsy shop, I'm going to head her way and do a little early holiday shopping.
We also wandered through the tiny farmer's market, and I happened upon a few lovely stands. One sold goat's milk soap. Oh, the deliciousness of those scents! I am definitely making a return for a few purchases. Other than that, not a whole lot going on...

I am experimenting with a little mixed media again. Nothing like procrastinating with a side project I always say! haha!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Dee! You should definitely do the festival next year!

    Side projects are good for the brain. :)


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